The roses of May

Get ready, in May, for a visit that is worth a trip. More than a visit, the rose garden Fineschi will be an experience. The Fineschi rose garden has an innumerable variety of roses, ancient, hybrid, wild, covered and climbing. Flowering begins in late April with ancient roses and “species” or wild roses. They are the plants that bloom only once a year, while modern roses bloom again and again. Whenever you can go, you won’t be disappointed. You can walk, get lost in the various sectors, retrace your steps or stop in a corner to read a book. The roses that surround you will make you forget the time.
Born in 1967 from the passion of the doctor and botanist Gianfranco Fineschi with the precious collaboration of Mrs Carla Fineschi, is a botanical garden that contains about 7,000 species,some of which were believed to be extinct, each with the tag that bears the botanical name, the year of introduction in Europe, the possibility or not of producing hybrids and are divided into 21 sectors. Who goes there, if he can, returns.
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