News from your B&B in Tuscany

A guest from the Netherlands, last summer, left us a very appreciated review that I translate below.
“Stunning B&B in Tuscany which will be just better in the future. New facility with a swimming pool, surrounded by an enchanting Tuscan landscape with shade under the trees, very comfortable rooms and common areas. Excellent landlady.”
Ok, but I must say that the expression “It will be just better in the future” kept resonating in my head.
This year we kept working hard to improve our charming B&B.
The park has been enriched with an area with a table and chairs in front of the pool, and sitting and relaxing areas scattered among the trees.
The Fienile room will also be available for anyone all day long, in the morning to have a cappuccino or a coffee; in the evening you can enjoy our comfortable outdoor armchairs to sip a fresh white wine in front of the Loggia room. We will select for you excellent Tuscan red wines to taste while reading a book or using your social media.
We have also welcomed the suggestion to equip all the rooms with a refrigerator. We received from our guests only positive feedbacks on the breakfast, but still we have improved it too!
Your holiday in Tuscany is waiting for you!